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Sarasota News Leader January 18, 2013 Page 63 an architectural icon into a new destination THE MAN BEHIND THE SCULPTURE for Sarasota." Members of the public able to make it to the Surkis explained the process has already been site any day between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. before very successful in increasing awareness of the the sculpture is completed will have the pleaSMOA. sure of seeing Dougherty and his team of local volunteers meticulously threading branches "People have been coming by ... and really getacross foundational trunks or using larger ting to see the sculpture evolve just as we're branches in a swooping pattern to create what hoping that they'll get a sense of what's gowill be a miniature organic circus. ing to happen once we really get the [SMOA] project finished," she said. "We only need 30 Dougherty took a few minutes from weaving percent more to get to opening day, and so and leading volunteers on Jan. 11 to speak we are optimistic that more people will come with the News Leader about the piece and his forward to help us reach the goal even faster." work as a whole. The sculpture is expected to be completed by When asked if he is tailoring this sculpture for Jan. 26; between $50,000 and $60,000 was in- the SMOA or whether this is more of an indedependently raised specifically for the work. pendent experiment, Dougherty explained it The location of the Patrick Dougherty sculpture sees a consistent flow of visitors and curious passersby on the afternoon of Jan. 11. Dougherty appeared happy to take the occasional moment to chat with admirers or inquisitors.

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