Sarasota News Leader

08/09/2013 & 08/16/2013

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Siesta Seen MORE PARKING WILL BE PROVIDED AT BEACH ACCESS 1; GIDGET'S COASTAL PROVISIONS IS COMING TO SIESTA VILLAGE IN THE FALL; AND COUNTY STAFF IS SEEKING ANOTHER EXTENSION OF THE SUNSET DATE FOR THE NOISE ORDINANCE By Rachel Brown Hackney Editor Thanks to the intercession of Sarasota County Commissioner Nora Patterson, county staff is proceeding with a plan to clear 9 feet of vegetation along the North Shell Road right of way to provide more room for vehicle parking. terson referred her colleagues to a memo Harriott had sent them, offering suggestions about how best to handle residents' complaints about the haphazard parking near Beach Access 1 at the end of North Shell Road. Because the pavement was laid down closer to the southern right of way, Harriott noted in his May 1 memo, enough room exists "to accommodate some parking along the north edge of [the road]." His rough estimate, he On July 9 — during the commission's last set continued, was that up to six parallel parking of meetings before its summer break — Pat- spaces or 10 to 15 perpendicular spaces could In a July 15 report to the County Commission, Chief County Engineer James K. Harriott Jr. reported that a work order had been submitted to the Field Services Office for the work. Foliage is thick on the north side of North Shell Road on Siesta Key. Photo by Rachel Hackney

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