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Sarasota News Leader August 23, 2013 Page 33 ing the county to look good, Commissioner In an email he sent to County Administrator Joe Barbetta told the News Leader. "We're go- Randall Reid and Deputy County Administrator Tom Harmer on Aug. 16, Anderson wrote, ing to have to bite the bullet." "Recent contract developments … have reHowever, Barbetta — who has been most voquired staff to further utilize Alternate vencal about the numerous failed mowing con- dors to provide continual County-wide maintracts over the past two years — said he felt tenance. These Alternate vendors will remain it was time for county staff members to invite active until new contracts are awarded to perrepresentatives of the top three or four mow- manent vendors." ing firms — those with proven track records in handling county contracts — to sit down Anderson added, "Considering all of the implewith them and discuss a revision of the coun- mented and proposed contract changes, there ty's specifications. Staff needs to say, "'Help us is an overall proposed increase in the annual here,'" Barbetta added. "'What are we doing contracted cost for right of way maintenance from $2,591,500 [as of April 23] to $4,105,500 wrong?'" County workers maintain the rights of way and medians on some 'gateway roads,' including Beneva Road. Photo courtesy of Sarasota County

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