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Sarasota News Leader October 12, 2012 OPINION CITY OF SARASOTA CHARTER AMENDMENTS A MIXED LOT • Charter Review Committee General Rec- ommendations This proposed "housekeeping" amendment addresses a number of issues that have been considered by the city's Charter Review Com- mittee. However, the inclusion of an amend- ment to remove the provision for charter of- ficials and the city finance director to have surety bonds is a mistake. That it was cata- lyzed by the inability of the current city au- ditor and clerk to obtain the required bond — information never provided to either the committee or the City Commission by the city attorney or others involved in the effort to ef- fect this change — dictates rejection of the amendment. That it seeks to absolve the underhanded ac- tions of several city officials by removing that bond requirement is a persistent stain on the reputation of the city, and voters would be wise to refuse to be a party to their subter- fuge. Admittedly, there are some good recommen- dations by the Charter Review Committee contained in this housekeeping amendment, but the failure of the City Commission to ad- dress the noncompliance of a charter official who has been deemed unworthy by bond un- derwriting firms has irreparably compromised this amendment. We urge voters in the City of Sarasota to vote NO on this amendment. • Split Office Of "City Auditor And Clerk" Into City Auditor And A New City Clerk This controversial amendment, backed by Commissioner Terry Turner and the Argus Foundation, would create a so-called "strong city manager" by placing the city clerk (and many of the clerk's functions) under the pur- view of the city manager. It also would create a new, separate position of city auditor. First, the structure of an independent office of city auditor and clerk has served Florida mu- nicipalities very well over the last half centu- ry. The architects of this structure understood the necessity for a series of checks and bal- ances in the operation of the people's govern- ment. No reasonable argument has been made by anyone as to why this sagacious structure should now be abandoned. Second, any conflicts with the current city auditor and clerk can easily be resolved by requiring her compliance with the terms of the existing city charter, or by her dismissal. Yet, the City Commission has refused to deal with this serious matter. Instead, an outside organization has foisted this proposed amend- ment on the voters to further private agendas and settle grudges. Such is not the purpose of charter amendments. We urge voters in the City of Sarasota to vote NO on this amendment. Page 70

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