Sarasota News Leader


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CHARTER CHANGERS One proposed City of Sarasota charter amendment would dismember the Office of the City Auditor and Clerk — Stan Zimmerman TOP STORIES Six of the seven proposed amendments to the Sarasota City Char- ter were proposed by an appointed committee of citizens who took testimony, received legal advice and held spirited debates on the issues. The seventh was conceived in secrecy by an organization now under investigation by the Florida Elections Commission. The amendment had a legal flaw that was rectified at the last minute. And it was put on the ballot by paid signature gatherers working piecemeal, paid per signature. These origins normally would scuttle public support for a charter change, but a surprising number of people think it is a good idea to break up the Office of City Auditor and Clerk (CAC), separating the audit function from everything else. The auditor and clerk's position was created during the initial drafting of the city's charter in 1945. (Full story here) HURRICANE DIARY Sandy saga shows the power of storm surge — Stan Zimmerman Editor's note: Stan Zimmerman has been tracking hurricanes for decades. This is his story about the system that became Sandy. 21 Oct. 10 a.m.: Hurricane Rafael came and went, thrashing Bermuda and then going subtropical on the way to Ireland. This morning another storm is forming in the same southern vicinity, and it is ex- pected to take the same exact path. Another "Bahama thumper"? Right now it is called "Invest 99L," and it has an 80 percent chance of becoming a tropical storm. The models are not sure of the path — Cuba? Hispaniola? — but one thing seems sure: It is following Rafael out to sea, and the "Great Florida Barrier" remains in force. 22 Oct., 5 p.m.: Yup, it is now Tropical Storm Sandy, and it is sort of headed our way but is more likely to beat up the Bahamas on the exit to nowhere. Central pres- sure is 29.50 inches, with steady winds of 40 mph. The forecast has it strengthening to almost hurricane force in two days. (Full story here) AT A GLANCE

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