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For a hard news junkie, this was a very good week. The City Commission cheered local residents by deciding to allow an appeal of the Planning Board's decision on the proposed Walmart in the Ringling Shopping Center, and it took a significant step regarding how future growth might be managed. The County Commission handled so many issues this week we tried to tackle the biggest ones and save others for next week. Not all of the topics were on the agendas, either. For example, new board Chairwoman Carolyn Mason broached the idea of a county domestic partnership registry and new Vice Chairman Charles Hines sought support for a policy regarding the removal of advisory board members for cause. The School Board also made its biggest news this week by dealing with a non-agenda item: a request by preservationists that the National Register-listed, Paul Rudolph-designed Building 4 not be gutted as part of the rebuilding of Sarasota High School. Thankfully, to balance out all the serious matters, our This Week in Sarasota partner, Matt Orr, delivered another one of his travel stories flavored with whimsical observations. I keep telling Matt he is going to give well-known novelist/essayist David Sedaris a run for his money. Tyler Whitson has a great piece, too, on poet Tony Leuzzi's recent program at Bookstore 1 in Sarasota, and I certainly would be remiss if I did not encourage you to check out Otus Rufous' second installment about the birds' half of "the birds and the bees." This is one week I definitely feel I can say every reader can find something to suit his or her taste. Editor and Publisher