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A SIX-PACK INSPIRATION Canyon Ranch in Miami boasts luxurious rooms. All photos contributed A RESORT VACATION CAN BE JUST THE ANSWER TO WORRIES ABOUT A SLOWING METABOLISM AND THE NEED TO BE MORE HEALTH-CONSCIOUS By Matt Orr Contributing Writer I have never had a six-pack, which sort of In my 20s, I could sport an easy four-pack by simply following a diet plan of breathing air means I fail at being gay. and eating anything in front of my face. HowI have done all the things our instruction ever, all that has ended. The days of shirtless books tell us — low-carb diet, plenty of exer- circuit parties are a faded memory, and the cise, drinking lots of fresh water and circuit thought of staying up past midnight on a regparties — but even in my 20s, I could not seem ular basis is completely out of the question. to get the abs. A few weeks ago I was paddleboarding with Trainer after trainer has given me the same my Brazilian friend, Tony, who is in his 20s. He dumb advice, such as "Just take a short break droned on and on about gaining a little weight from wine," "You can't eat pizza every night in the belly. Although Tony is straight, I still and expect to get a flat belly" and "Matt, if you had to use Jedi mind control when he was are paying me, I need you to actually attempt around to keep my arms from spontaneously the sit-ups and not just lay there and pretend streaking through the air and wrapping themyou can't hear me." selves around his torso.