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Sarasota News Leader January 25, 2013 Page 105 DABBERT GALLERY PRESENTS OLD FRIENDS, NEW PAINTINGS From Feb. 1-25, Dabbert Gallery, located at 76 S. Palm Ave., Sarasota, will present Old Friends, New Paintings, featuring works by Craig Rubadoux and Robert Baxter. dinary expressionistic works of art," a news release says. "Baxter's sophisticated patterns of rich color create a milieu for the fascinating faces that populate his world of art," the release adds. An opening reception will be held from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on Feb. 1, the gallery has announced. For more information, email, visit or "Rubadoux mixes magnificent color harmo- call 955-1315. The gallery is open Monday nies with fluid lyrical line to create extraor- through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Drift is by Craig Rubadoux. Contributed photo Saint Armands is by Robert Baxter. Contributed photo SARASOTA'S HAIR COLOR SPECIALIST John-Norman Tuck (941) 928-1203 John-Norman Tuck is Sarasota and Bradenton's premier hairstylist and hair color artist. Getting his customer's hair to look and feel it's best is his passion. John-Norman started fulfilling his customers' hair dreams in his Pasadena, CA salon and now has brought his talents to Sarasota. Full Service Salon 3 6 9 S t . A r m a n d s C i r c l e • S a r a s o t a • J o h n - N o r m a n Tu c k . c o m