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Sarasota News Leader January 25, 2013 Page 33 Abbott added, "The interior of the building is Goodwin told the attendees, "I only saw the as integral a part of the building as the exte- plans [for the renovations] in December myself." rior itself." Abbott reminded the School Board members "The unique nature of the Rudolph structure that at the conclusion of a district-sponsored demands and deserves special attention," said charrette about the Sarasota High rebuilding SAF President Janet Minker, who added that plans, held in June 2012, local architects did she and her fellow board members had made join the other participants in supporting a recnumerous attempts to discuss that with disommendation about use of the existing facilitrict officials between June and November ties, including the Rudolph structures. 2012. "We were put off and told to trust the design team. We trusted and we waited," Minker continued. When SAF members saw the interior plans, she said, "It was clear that trust and wait were not going to result in an appropriate rehabilitation of Building No. 4." However, he said, they also had asked for preservation of interior features, such as a "floating staircase." Mark Smith, the school district's director of construction services, told The Sarasota News (From left) Mayor Jim Brown, Town Manager Dave Bullock and Vice Mayor Dave Brenner of Longboat Key listen to discussion during the Aug. 18 Convocation of Governments. Photo by Rachel Hackney