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Sarasota News Leader January 25, 2013 Page 37 STORE-related, circulated news Wednesday, Jan. 23, that the county is set to receive slightly more than $1 million over two years from Transocean Deepwater Inc., a subcontractor on the Deepwater Horizon operation. The company was forced to pay $1.4 billion in criminal and civil penalties as part of a settlement agreement reached earlier this year. Discussion about what to do with the Deepwater Horizon fines has centered mostly around environmental restoration, but Patterson has suggested the money could be used to fund tourism development as well. Since the county never saw the tar balls that clogged other Gulf beaches, the damage it suffered came mostly According to Patterson's email, it remains un- in the form of depressed tourism numbers. clear exactly when the Transocean money will be paid out, and the sum is unrelated to any One example of a potential project: the Nathan amount the county may receive through the Benderson Park rowing facility. "It would be consortium of Florida Gulf Coast counties it joined last year. That consortium was created fabulous if it were possible to allocate some to steer state BP money to the counties most dollars to the rowing facility," Patterson told affected by the spill. The Sarasota News Leader last October. % "We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another." — Jonathan Swift SARASOTA'S HAIR COLOR SPECIALIST John-Norman Tuck (941) 928-1203 John-Norman Tuck is Sarasota and Bradenton's premier hairstylist and hair color artist. Getting his customer's hair to look and feel it's best is his passion. John-Norman started fulfilling his customers' hair dreams in his Pasadena, CA salon and now has brought his talents to Sarasota. Full Service Salon 3 6 9 S t . A r m a n d s C i r c l e • S a r a s o t a • J o h n - N o r m a n Tu c k . c o m Care. No matter what. • Lifesaving cancer screenings • Annual GYN exams • Affordable Birth control Join us for our 47th Annual Dinner Celebration! March 5, 2013 • Municipal Auditorium Tickets start at $175 Enjoy a fabulous dinner and silent auction Meet guest speaker Lizz Winstead, comedian and political satirist known for her work as co-creator and former head writer for "The Daily Show," and "Air America Radio." Become a sponsor or silent auction donor! 941.365.3913 x1124 Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida • Sarasota 941-953-4060 •