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Sarasota News Leader January 25, 2013 son Development Co. — which has been building the rowing venue at the park — told the TDC members, "The impression that we get is that this [bid] is basically ours to lose."[International and national rowing organizations] came to us and said, 'We are ready for you guys to move forward and submit your bid.'" Page 46 ed that it probably would be about 10 years. However, he pointed out, assuming the park wins the bid, the international recognition could lead to its hosting a major championship every other year. For example, he said, the Junior World Rowing Championships "is just as big" as the World US Rowing, the national governing body for Championships. the sport, and the International Federation of Rowing (FISA) "want to bring international Already, he pointed out, FISA officials have rowing back to the United States," Blackket- said they would like to see the park host the World Cup Championships in 2016. That ter pointed out. would be a trial run for the World ChampionNo international rowing competition has been ships, Blackketter added. held in the U.S. since the mid-1990s, he noted; yet, the United States has more rowers than THE FINANCIALS all other nations combined. "So tell us how you're going to pull off this "We are referred to, when we travel, as the whole thing, with our help, of course," ComUnited States delegation, the United States missioner Nora Patterson — who chairs the TDC — asked Blackketter. course," Blackketter added. Asked how soon Benderson Park would be Patterson was quick to note the county alable to host the World Championships again ready had committed about $20 million to if it wins the 2017 bid, Blackketter respond- the rowing venue at Benderson Park, located An architect's rendering shows plans for the rowing venue at Nathan Benderson Park off University Parkway. Image courtesy Sarasota County