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Sarasota News Leader January 25, 2013 Page 51 operation of the museum. We can't start con- seum, he noted. "That's how confident we are struction until we have the funds to maintain in the fundraising." and operate the facility." Surkus then discussed the Stickworks sculp"A lot of times there's some confusion as to ture by artist Patrick Dougherty, which is being created in front what's going to go on of the future museum there," he pointed out. on the North Tamiami "A major attraction This is phenomenal. It's become will be the Sarasota an attraction and a destination already. Trail. Museum of Art, which "We have about 130 will be a modern conWendy Surkis community members President temporary art museum who are helping to Sarasota Museum of Art located on the second build that structure," floor of the facility. But Surkis said. "This is on the first floor and the third floor will be phenomenal. It's become an attraction and a community educational facilities, art classes destination already," Surkis added, noting the for children, adults, community classes … so sculpture will be completed Saturday, Jan. 26. it will be a visual arts center," he added. It will be kept on the site until it starts deteriThe college is moving forward on hiring an orating, over the next year or 18 months, she architecture firm to develop plans for the mu- pointed out. % A Very Special Offer For Advertisers Purchase a full-page, advertising twelve pack between now and January 31st, 2013 and receive four of these fantastic SNL 16oz Tervis® Tumblers. Show your support for The Progressive Voice Of Southwest Florida around the house, around the office, wherever you go with these locally manufactured, high-quality insulated tumblers. or (941) 227-1080 Advertisers must meet all terms and conditions of sale for the 12-pack advertising package. Limit of one set of four tumblers per advertiser. Offer is valid while supplies last. "Tervis" is a registered trademark of Tervis® Tumbler Company. The Sarasota News Leader is not affiliated with Tervis® Tumbler Company.