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Sarasota News Leader January 25, 2013 Page 97 "It's tough to make a living anywhere for that it is a very outward-looking institution young artists," Kipling said. "Sarasota used to and not so much focused on the artists of this be much less expensive to live in for young community." struggling artists." He added, "I always felt that if we'd focused Then Hartman had a question: "I would be on this community a bit more, we might have interested in knowing from Kevin how many seen more community buy-in. It would just students at Ringling are fine art students as make sense that as a part of the Ringling opposed to digital and so on." School, the local art would be preserved and "Fine arts is one of the smallest departments," displayed. The arts legacy of Sarasota will be Dean said. "One thing is it is a much tougher gone otherwise. We need to preserve it while sell. It is about $120,000 to come to our school we still can." for four years. Illustration is by far the largest "When you don't have a base collection, a core department." collection of local art, you become essentially Connor pointed out, "There are three collec- just a booking hall," Michael Solomon, son of tions in this town, archived. If you wanted well-known artist Syd Solomon, commented to do any further research on this topic, you from his seat in the church pews. could go to the Ringling Museum of Art, and "Instead of thinking either/or," museums need the Sarasota County History Center has reto show works of local artists and book shows cords and archives, and the Sarasota Art Aswith national and international artists' work, sociation, if you wanted more information." he added. Then Kipling changed the subject to the fu"And this is basically what most major museture. "The old [Sarasota] High School is going ums do now," Hartman noted. to be a new museum, hopefully," referring to the plans for the Sarasota Museum of Art on Kipling concluded her questions of the panel North Tamiami Trail. The project is under the by asking, "Talking about what it's like for artauspices of Ringling College of Art and De- ists, what do you feel about media coverage sign. for young artists in Sarasota?" According to the latest estimates, the fund- Hartman was quick to quip, "What media covraising is still millions of dollars from the erage?" point where work can begin in earnest on the This series of lectures, Conversations at the museum. Crocker, is sponsored by Sarasota Magazine Hartman jumped in. "I was one of the founders and the Historical Society of Sarasota County. of the new museum at Sarasota High School, and even though there are people willing to The lectures are held in a church built by Pedonate, it is a challenge, the care and feeding ter Crocker in 1901. Crocker Church is locatof art and the $22 million [that is] needed to ed at 1260 12th St., in Pioneer Park, located be raised. The vision of the founders is such just east of U.S. 41. %