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Sarasota News Leader February 1, 2013 Page 77 mingham Temple, which became the first Hu- and even eager to embrace new Jewish cremanistic Jewish Congregation in the world." ativity and new Jewish culture," he added. "It may also be the case that the new secularized Chalom explained that Wine followed three reality of Jewish life is a natural outcome of important conceptual steps, which inspired Jewish history — even to be celebrated — and him to establish Humanistic Judaism. Wine not a disaster." began with the philosophical viewpoint that is also the basis of much humanistic thought, The third and final step was to continue the Chalom said: "We are the only conscious force search for truth, "to begin to find out what really happened, to understand who Jews are for good in the universe." today," Chalom said. "What does archaeology This means that there is no "benevolent divine really say about this period? Does it confirm personality directing or intervening in histo- what the Bible claims, or does it challenge ry," Chalom said, "[that] the Jews created the what the Bible claims? Sometimes it does Torah, not the other way around," and, finally, one and sometimes it does the other," he conthat "Jewish survival is a function of tenacity, tinued. "A secular history can provide those creativity and useful skills like literacy — not kinds of fascinating insights into Jewish life, a miracle from above and beyond." past and present." Wine's second step was "to find a way to apply this truth to Jewish life," Chalom explained. "When you take that more secular approach, you're willing to apply this lesson of a secular world to Jewish history; you are willing Chalom went on to explain how Humanistic Judaism relates to the current state of Judaism in the world. He put special focus on the increasing secularization of people of Jewish background in society, highlighting the con- The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee, where Rabbi Adam Chalom's lecture was held on the evening of Jan. 17, frequently hosts events at its headquarters in Sarasota and within the community. It describes its vision on its website,, as promoting 'a vibrant Jewish community.'