Sarasota News Leader
February 1, 2013
Bassist Dominic Mancini and drummer Dane
Hassan will join the Morans; the quartet will
perform songs by their friend, Dave Frishberg,
and other jazz standards, the release says.
Page 86
of this series, in the release. "It should be a
perfect way to kick off Super Bowl Sunday!"
The 2012-2013 Joy of Jazz series will conclude
on March 17 with Ron Kraemer and the Hur"This concert lineup showcases the present ricanes.
and future of the rich tradition of jazz music For more information about the Jazz Club
in our community," says Bill Beckman, a Jazz of Sarasota, call 366-1552 or visit www.jazzClub of Sarasota board member and producer
Kitt and Mike Moran will perform in the Joy of Jazz Concert on Feb. 3. Contributed photo