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Sarasota News Leader April 26, 2013 Page 55 SCHOOL DISTRICT TO BEGIN AFTER-SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAM The Sarasota County School Schools will cre- provided a small snack to children enrolled in ate a pilot after-school nutrition program at after-school programs. three Sarasota elementary schools beginning Wednesday, May 1, the district has announced. "The principals of these schools are excited about the program," said Beverly Girard, diThe program, sponsored by the Florida De- rector of Food and Nutrition Services for the partment of Health in cooperation with the school district, in the release. "They see firstU.S. Department of Agriculture, will be of- hand the need for healthy afternoon meals for fered at Alta Vista, Emma E. Booker and Go- their students and the impact that good nutricio elementary schools, with serving times tion has on academic success." from 3:30 to 4:15 p.m., a news release says. Those schools have high percentages of stu- If the new program is successful, the district's dents receiving free and reduced-price lunch- Food and Nutrition Services Department plans to expand it in the 2013-14 academic year to es, the release adds. other schools and community agencies that The after-school nutrition program, also have approved educational or enrichment proknown as a supper program, "will provide nu- grams, the release adds. tritious afternoon/evening meals for their students," the release notes. It will replace an ex- The program will be funded through the fedisting after-school snack program, which has eral Child Care Food Program. Students in the pilot Eaglets Academy pre-kindergarten program at Alta Vista Elementary School enjoy lunch in the cafeteria last summer. File photo