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Sarasota News Leader May 3, 2013 Page 52 emergency situation. While Mansfield indicated it would not charge extra, J.H. Williams had a $75 delivery charge and Petroleum Traders had a $200 charge. Once the Procurement Department staff analyzed the bids, Gable continued, the difference between Mansfield's and that of J.H. Williams was only about $24,000 in regard to the price mark-up. Commissioners Charles Hines and Nora Pat- When Commissioner Charles Hines asked if terson consider a matter during a meeting anyone on staff had checked into whether earlier this year. File photo Mansfield always complied with its contracts, Gable said he was unaware of any problems "We feel like consumption is going up considerably," Gable said. that had arisen with the company. Commissioner Nora Patterson noted the "My concern is that we haven't dealt with county has been adding Sarasota County Area them before," Barbetta said, pointing out that Transit routes. Williams is a Manatee County company. Finally, the commissioners asked Gable and "On top of their low price they're going to Coyman to double-check the firm's references throw in hurricane preparedness at no charge? from Florida local governments with which it It's just a red flag to me," he added. "I need has done business. "It doesn't seem like that much more assurance to justify dealing with would be huge research to do," Patterson said. a firm in Gainesville versus a firm in BradenCoyman replied that all the reference checks ton," he pointed out. had been positive. However, he added that his Hines concurred with Barbetta. staff "can certainly provide additional reference checks." In response to a question, Gable said Petroleum Traders has been the county's fuel sup- County Administrator Randall Reid suggested plier. However, it was disqualified in the latest that information could be discussed the folbid process because it did not provide all the lowing day. required information. After Gable affirmed to the board on April Gable also told the board the new contract estimated the county would use 365,000 gallons of gasoline per year and 1.3 million gallons of diesel for the next three years, with a projected annual cost of $7.7 million. 24 that Mansfield has "a pretty good track record," Hines thanked him. "The comments that we gave weren't directed personally at you," Hines added. "We've had some bad experiences." For the current fiscal year, the county's fuel Hines continued, "There's no guarantee … of expense is estimated to be $5.4 million, he what's going to happen in the future, [but] we can say we did our due diligence." % added.

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