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Sarasota News Leader May 10, 2013 Page 41 been problematic in the past," Konstantopou- unofficial deputy chief of police to Chief Mikel Hollaway. Today the duties appear to be split los noted. between a former detective and an adminis"Most businesses are cooperating with us," trative lieutenant. said DiPino. "And we're beefing up our Main Barwin told the commissioners Monday, "The Street patrols." chief and I are moving to civilianize the media NEW SPD PIO relationship position in the SPD in alignment with community policing. We'll use the saving In addition to the cop assigned as the "sound from other vacant positions, so there will be enforcement officer" and beefed up patrols no addition to the budget." Nor will the civildowntown, another change is coming in re- ian enjoy any police pension benefits, he was gard to the Sarasota Police Department. The quick to point out. new chief is looking for a civilian public inforSnyder wanted more information. "I would mation officer. like to see the budget breakout," he said. "In Twenty years ago, ex-radio reporter Jay Frank the next five years, half the department will was the PIO for the SPD. In recent years Capt. retire. We don't have a cost on that. To hire a Paul Sutton handled the press and public in- media person — a spin doctor — that's very formation duties in addition to his job as the unfortunate." % Tequila Cantina plans to keep its doors closed on Main Street to avoid being cited for noise ordinance violations. Photo by Norman Schimmel