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Sarasota News Leader May 10, 2013 Page 70 tax receipts and management and disbursements of giving circle funds. Jerde also announced $1,000 in 10 matching grants to the first 10 circles of 10 women or more who attended the luncheon and register their circle with the Community Foundation before June 30. During the luncheon, Giving Matters honored Laura Alston, a senior at Booker High School, with its 2013 Young Woman Philanthropist Award. Alston will attend Columbia University in the fall to study art and business, the release notes. She received a $1,000 college scholarship as well as $1,000 to give to the charity of her choice. She selected the College for Every Student Program at Booker High, the release continues. For additional information on giving circles, contact Sue Seiter, Giving Matters chairwoman, at or 932-3536. (From left) Community Foundation of Sarasota County President and CEO Roxie Jerde with Dottie Baer Garner and CFSC Board member Audrey Coleman. Contributed photo CORRECTIONS The editorial in the May 3 issue incorrectly said that Sarasota County Commissioner Nora Patterson always had opposed proposals for paid beach parking. Patterson was one of three commissioners who voted on May 14, 2008 to advertise for a request for proposal for a parking management firm to implement a proposed Beach Paid Parking Pilot Program at all county beaches. However, one of that majority — Commissioner Shannon Staub — changed her mind, prompting Patterson to put forward a motion on May 27, 2008, withdrawing the authorization for the request for proposals. That motion passed unanimously. In a photo in the May 3 A&E Briefs, Ricardo Rhodes was misidentified in the early edition of the News Leader in a photo from Symphony of Sorrows. That ballet was performed by Sarasota Ballet company members in 2012. % The Sarasota News Leader No-Nonsense Reporting

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