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Sarasota News Leader May 10, 2013 Page 80 I'd like to try and enlighten people as to what's on in cultures all over the world. She told the News Leader, however, that she wants to going on in the world around them." devote much of her post-graduation time to Collen added that, in spite of getting his BFA writing, illustrating and publishing her own in illustration, his greatest goal as an artist is to stories. eventually produce large-scale public sculptures. "I want to pursue my career right now," she "Obviously, I can't afford it at a student's level said. "I'm planning on trying to finish writing right now," he said, "but as soon as the day a story that I'm focusing on and I want to colcomes, I would love to be able to make public or a few pages of my children's book that I'm works so that people can be exposed to them working on." on a larger scale." Mojica discussed long-term career goals as VALERIE MOJICA well. "I want to try to get more into being an Valerie Mojica is an illustrator who has fo- author and illustrator for my own works and cused on producing pieces that depict events work on book covers and design," she said. from myths, legends and fairy tales passed "It's what I like to do," she continued, "so I'm Valerie Mojica poses with some of her work for sale. In her artist's statement, Mojica wrote: 'What I strive to reach with my illustrations is a visual eloquence, where viewers can surmise their own feelings from the mixed emotions I have illustrated within these tales.'

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