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Sarasota News Leader May 10, 2013 Page 102 Siesta Seen band that we shouldn't be taking pictures because they are just having an Easter party …" However, the writer pointed out, when she and her husband left their house the following morning, they saw the same neighbor had a sign posted, offering to sell parking spaces for $20 each. Nonetheless, we will continue to monitor for violations during the off-season, and when the season starts again in the Fall we will step up our efforts." THE BEACH PROJECT News that three of the county commissioners last week raised concerns again about the cost "Several other neighbors don't like [this situaof the planned improvements to Siesta Public tion] either," the email correspondent continBeach raised worries this week among memued. "Traffic on my street is ridiculous. Maybers of the Siesta Key Village Association. be you can have a police officer monitor the parking lot situation and these neighbors can During the SKVA's regular meeting on May 7, pay for it. I'm being harassed and infringed board member Mark Smith mentioned the disupon and I am doing nothing wrong and ac- cussion the commissioners had during their cording to the codes am in the right. Some- April 30 budget workshop. thing is wrong with this picture." Commissioner Joe Barbetta had told him Assistant County Administrator Mark Cun- about the remarks, Smith continued. "He ningham responded to the writer on April 5, made it sound like the project could be stalled and in jeopardy again," Smith added of Barat Patterson's request: betta. "Our Code Enforcement Officers have been monitoring the situation of illegally selling Commissioner Christine Robinson's motion parking on Avenida del Mare, and on the entire after the budget discussion was clear about Siesta Key. Our officers (John Lally during nor- the board not reversing its Dec. 11, 2012 vote mal working hours, and Kevin Burns during to use bond revenue to pay for the $16.7 milthe evenings and weekends) have achieved lion project. However, she, Patterson and good results maintaining a visible presence. Commissioner Charles Hines all voiced conThey have made contact with property own- cerns about the price of the improvements. ers, explaining that charging for parking is a "Personally, I don't get it," Smith told his felviolation of our codes. The officers will con- low SKVA members. tinue to enforce the ordinance. "They should be excited about any project out "As the tourist season subsides, we expect here," outgoing SKVA President Russell Matthe problem to lessen in the coming weeks. thes said, adding his suggestion that the mat-