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Sarasota News Leader May 10, 2013 Page 69 GIVING CIRCLES INITIATIVE LAUNCHED WITH FOUNDATION More than 330 guests attended the Fifth Annual Gems of Philanthropy Luncheon at Michael's On East on April 30, presented by Giving Matters, a committee of the Association of Fundraising Professionals Southwest Florida Chapter (AFP). "Giving Matters is dedicated to inspiring and educating women of all ages about their power to transform communities and the world through volunteerism and philanthropy," a news release notes. gether to support charities of their choice. Encouraging the effort was Anne Mosle, vice president of The Aspen Institute and executive director of Ascend, the keynote speaker. "Mosle created a robust giving circles initiative" while she was president of the Washington, D.C., Area Women's Foundation, the release adds. Roxie Jerde, president and CEO of the Community Foundation of Sarasota County, anThe luncheon launched AFP's Giving Circles nounced that her organization will provide Initiative, a community-wide effort to form "back office" support services for giving cirgroups of like-minded women who give to- cles, including handling the set-up, charitable (From left) Young Woman Philanthropist Award winner Laura Alston, Giving Matters Chairwoman Sue Seiter, guest speaker Anne Mosle, and luncheon Chairwoman Linda de Mello. Contributed photo

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