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Sarasota News Leader May 17, 2013 Page 35 Power and Light. The solar cells will augment "Food service facilities are necessary for the the museum's use of city electricity and serve large number of school field trips, and the ability to attract the general population to the waas an educational tool. terfront greatly expands the population that The $150,000 for repairs is but one part of an will use the parcel," the summary states. ambitious $1.2 million campaign for new exhibits, expansion of the fabrication laboratory The statement also takes a dig at the previous adand "a public-private collaboration to offer a ministration of the center. "In 2012 the Executive waterfront restaurant featuring organic fare," Officer and Board of Directors were replaced, according to a summary of the plans by GWIZ due to poor practices of former staff leadership and lack of Board responsibility," it says. Chief Executive Officer Sara Rankin. GWIZ, the downtown science museum, needs a new roof, its board says. Photo by Ebaybe via Wikimedia Commons