Sarasota News Leader
May 17, 2013
"That's half of what we will need" over the
next five fiscal years, Robinson pointed out,
referring to the PowerPoint presentation provided by staff. "That's basically a quality of life
[issue]," she noted.
Page 10
al funds to catch up. … You have to increase
your tax base. You have to bring in additional
sales tax …"
"If you've ever gone to a city that hasn't kept
up with its road repaving, the message is loud
"I can't support it," Barbetta replied. "I realize and clear: This community is not doing well,"
it's a critical need, but the way you address Patterson countered.
[that] is you give it some money upfront … "I think we have made huge commitments, inand utilize your other money that gives you a vested in our future," Patterson added, pointreturn on investment, so you'll have addition- ing to the Impact Report Sarasota County
A chart shows road resurfacing priorities for the next five fiscal years in Sarasota County. Image
courtesy Sarasota County