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Sarasota News Leader May 24, 2013 Page 10 from the World Rowing Championships would VOICING WORRIES cover the total the counties were being asked to guarantee, he replied, "I can't promise that When the FISA delegation members met with representatives of the two counties last actually; I don't think anybody would." month, Haley pointed out, they went over the However, Blackketter added, considering the preliminary budget line by line. "Even though projections for attendance and sponsorships, we don't believe it would ever happen," Haley he felt the event has "the potential of doing said of a shortfall, "we believe you should go so." into this with a very conservative approach" that considers the worst-case scenario. Patterson pressed him: "Somebody's crunched some numbers to see if it's even in the ball- Patterson told the TDC members that County park, right? Aside from hoping?" Administrator Randall Reid had just brought the issue to her attention the previous day. "It's in the ballpark, yes," he replied. Nonetheless, she said, "We're going to have to The guarantee "is a standard operating pro- sign [this letter] if we want this event." cedure" for that type of event, Blackketter "It was really heartening," Patterson added, pointed out. "[FISA is] basically saying that that the Manatee TDC was receptive to the the governments must back it," he added. idea. "It's our job to see if it's feasible to do that, Haley noted that the Manatee TDC vote was though," Patterson told him. unanimous. SANCA has been working hard on the event's Sarasota County TDC member David Brenner, budget, Blackketter said, and has confidence a member of the Longboat Town Commission, in it. "The No. 1 goal is to reimburse the counsuggested the letter provide specifics about ties' investment," he added. "what we might get stuck with." He wanted When Patterson then asked whether the rev- to make certain, he continued, that it also is enue generated by the event is to come to the clear about what event revenue is to come to two counties — a question one of the TDC the two counties. members had asked earlier — Blackketter The anticipation, Patterson said earlier, is that said, "Yes, that's correct." the income from tickets, parking and T-shirt He missed the TDC's earlier discussion, he ex- sales, for example, will cover the event explained, because he had hosted Florida House penses. Speaker Will Weatherford and members of the Regarding Brenner's comments, Patterson Florida House for a tour of the rowing venue that said, "I think those are very good suggestions." day. "It exceeded their expectations," he added. She added that she felt the County Attorney's The state budget Gov. Rick Scott signed this Office would look over the letter "pretty closeweek included another $5 million for the park ly" before the County Commission signed anything. facilities.

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