Sarasota News Leader
May 31, 2013
Page 89
Siesta Seen
People on Siesta Key last summer saw that
even a tropical storm off the coast could produce ill effects, as Debby flooded some neighborhoods.
McCrane emphasized that 1 cubic yard of water weighs 1,700 pounds, which is another reason storm surge is such a concern.
Moreover, McCrane stressed that when winds
reach the 45-50 mph level and someone calls
911, asking to be rescued, "Nobody's coming." Winds that high are too serious a threat
to emergency responders' safety, he said.
Although he has worked in emergency operations centers when first responders have
chafed at the restraint — with call after call
for help stacking up — standing regulations
do not permit them to take the risk.
Everyone's TRIM — or county tax — notice
has the evacuation zone printed on it for each
specific property, he noted. "Run from the waMcCrane also asked that when people evacter; hide from the wind" is what emergency
uate an area, they let someone in their family
management officials advise, he added.
know what their plans are. When news reports
Although Siesta has some high-ground areas, mention people unaccounted for after a natMcCrane noted, bridges do not always survive ural disaster, he noted, many of the missing
storms. That is why people should evacuate are simply folks who fled an area but never
low-lying areas when such an order is issued, bothered to notify anyone. Therefore, emerhe pointed out, adding that people who stay gency response teams have no way of knowbehind and live through a major storm almost ing whether they have been killed.
always say, "I'll never do that again."
McCrane also drew some chuckles when he
He advised everyone, "Make sure you know talked of people who had "ridden out" storms
where your safe room is … but we ask people in their homes and then refused to open their
not to take that chance. … A hurricane is just doors to first responders checking for survivors. In such cases, he said, the emergena bunch of tornadoes twisting around."
American Red Cross
The Weather Channel (webapp)