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Sarasota News Leader June 14, 2013 "I still think that we need to be sure that we don't leave future commissions in a lurch" in regard to road resurfacing and bridge renovation and rehabilitation projects, Robinson continued. However, she said, the county has an insufficient number of athletic fields. Page 30 Robinson also noted that both the City of Venice and the City of North Port had asked the County Commission about partnering with them to construct new athletic fields. Neither of them has city-owned fields within municipal boundaries, she added. "I'm all for brand-new ones, too," Barbetta "We might be able to maximize our dollars told her. "I have no problem with that." with partnerships as well," Robinson noted. "Neither do I," Mason added. "Good idea," Mason said. "Sports tourism has proven to be extremely Then Vice Chairman Charles Hines said he beneficial to the community," Barbetta said. was concerned about constructing fields with"When I look at the tennis courts at 17th out nearby hotels and motels to house partici[Street] and Tuttle [Avenue] and see soccer pants for tournaments the county would try to games going on at night," Mason pointed out, lure. Having traveled for "many, many years" "that's an additional indication that we need with AAU Baseball, he said he knew participants preferred to stay within a mile or two of some more athletic fields." A chart compares county Tourist Development Tax collections over the past three fiscal years. The 2013 fiscal year will end Sept. 30. Image courtesy Sarasota County Tax Collector's Office