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Sarasota News Leader June 28, 2013 Page 24 imously the interlocal that was approved by However, the interlocal agreement provided for the city to make "good faith efforts" to unthe County Commission on June 19, 2013." dertake the competitive bidding process withLewis added that he had been directed to send in a 60-day window, Lewis pointed out. "That the county a letter stating "the desire of the gives me some comfort," he added. City to take any steps appropriate that might If the City Commission approved the interkeep WMS open." local agreement that night, Lewis said, "We Over two days of discussions — June 18 and would begin work on [the advertisement process] immediately." 19 — county commissioners had crafted Commissioner CherI'm in the minority many times, numerous changes to yl Cook broached the interlocal agree- but I will tell you, I have tried to keep the idea of modifying ment the North Port [the Springs] open as a swimming place the language further, Commission had re- several times, and that just wasn't to give the city more vised and Lewis had supported, so this could all have been time. However, she sent to the county on avoided … We all need to apologize as noted that the CounJune 14. County Attor- commissioners, but I can't speak for any ty Commission would ney Stephen DeMarsh other commissioner but myself. have to approve any had drafted the origichanges the City ComLinda Yates nal version to "memomission made in the Mayor City of North Port rialize" decisions the latest document. "That two local government means we have to go bodies made during an all-day facilitated joint another round, sending it back to the county meeting on April 17 to try to avoid litigation and bringing it back." over the future of Warm Mineral Springs. Lewis told her he had reviewed the interlocal During the North Port City Commission meet- document again before the meeting. "I was worried about the 60 days. I've been worried ing on June 24, Mayor Linda Yates brought up about the 60 days all along. But the revision the latest version of the interlocal document, [the County Commission] made this time — it pointing to the changes the County Commis- does make me more comfortable than I was sion made last week — including reinserting before." a clause affirming the two local government Lewis added, "Obviously, we make every efbodies are equal partners in owning the resort. fort, working with their staff, to get it done within 60 days … That's still 'good faith.'" In response to a question from Vice Mayor James Blucher, Lewis said a two-week period Yates protested county commissioner comwould be the minimum time frame in which ments that the Springs would have to close. However, she said she had noted the new he felt a request for proposals could be ad- agreement called for the two boards to select vertised for new management of the springs. a short-term manager "as soon as possible to avoid prolonged closure of the springs." "Realistically, 21 days," Lewis added.