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Sarasota News Leader June 28, 2013 Page 37 LEASH LAW day. At least one volunteer is alleging major violations of the organization's lease to use The city commissioners will also hold a public city property. The group recently ousted its hearing to add Payne Park to the areas requir- founder, Lee Fox. (See the related story in this ing leashes on dogs. The Parks, Recreation issue.) and Environmental Protection Board recomGregory Para swore out an affidavit making mends the change. several allegations after he served as a volThe city already declared the new children's unteer at SOS from August 2012 until March playground at Payne Park to be a pet-free 2013. He said the organization "does not have zone. qualified or certified personnel on staff to If approved, leashes would be required on make qualified medical decisions for 'sick or dogs at Bayfront and Island Park, Gillespie disabled waterfowl' since removing the foundPark, Arlington Park and Payne Park. The city er." law also says a leash may be no longer than Because the bird sanctuary sits on city prop26 feet. erty, the City Commission is the ultimate landlord. It is rare for a leasehold to be brought SAVE OUR SAVE OUR SEABIRDS before the commission before the end of its The status of Save Our Seabirds (SOS) in Ken lease. In the case of Save Our Seabirds, the Thompson Park comes under review Mon- lease does not end until 2018. Leashes soon may be required on pets in Payne Park. Photo by Norman Schimmel

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