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Sarasota News Leader June 28, 2013 Page 87 Siesta Seen • "A Notice of Violation was also issued to the owner of the Arches Plaza to replace the doors (10 day deadline) of the enclosure and to make certain the lids are closed on the dumpsters." dumpster diagonally across the street from the municipal lot (behind the shops where Beach Bites is located on Avenida Madera) is enclosed. The owner of the latter property "says that he won't comply until the Village dumpster is in compliance!" Shay added. "I • "A Courtesy Notice was given to Tropical guess violations can be contagious!" Breeze for leaving [its] dumpster out after Mark Smith of Smith Architects, who heads it was emptied." up the Siesta Key Village Maintenance Corp., • Polk noted, "Code Enforcement staff will has told Siesta Key Village Association memcontinue to monitor this situation on Siesta bers in past meetings that he has been workKey." ing to get the dumpster enclosed in the municThen on June 25, Shay sent out another email, ipal lot. Regular readers of this column know thanking the Code Enforcement staff but that county wheels turn slowly sometimes pointing out he had been in the Village that when the Maintenance Corp. asks about getnight and had observed the following situa- ting things done — occasionally because of a need to figure out how to apply the county tions: ordinance governing the Village upkeep. • "The Broken Egg dumpsters were 'shoved' into the enclosure: that's a 'good thing' but Shay added in his June 24 email, "It's just too the enclosure doors couldn't close because bad that these violations were not handled 'proactively' and had to be brought to everyof all the junk in the enclosure." one's attention by an unhappy business own• The recycling bins "were … on the street er." but maybe that is because they are going to Patterson wrote back to Shay the same day, be emptied tomorrow?" thanking him for his efforts and pointing out • "[T]he dumpster in the Archers had its lid that, while it is not a good excuse, the fact closed," but a bar lock had been installed of the matter is that the county has not had on it so no one but authorized individuals sufficient Code Enforcement staff in the past could open it to dump items into it. That few years. lock, he noted, prevents the top from closNonetheless, the only new Code Enforcement ing completely and needs to be fixed. employees the County Commission has authoShay further wrote that neither the dumpster rized so far for the 2014 year will be looking to in the municipal parking lot between Aveni- shut down the operations of unlicensed conda Madera and Avenida de Mayo nor the tractors. (See the related story in this issue.)