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Sarasota News Leader July 4, 2013 Page 57 SARASOTA COUPLE ARRESTED IN CHILD ABUSE CASE The Sarasota County Sheriff's Office has arrested a man and a woman who drove to a Sarasota home allegedly to buy drugs with a 2-year-old girl in the car. cense was suspended, the report says; yet, he still drove the car. The woman in the car, Barbara Valdez, 48, of the same address as Orser, said she knew her Just before noon on Thursday, June 27, dep- boyfriend was buying illegal drugs and that his license was suspended, the report notes. uties spotted a car leaving a home associated with a history of drug-related crimes. The Valdez told deputies, "[Orser] was only driving report notes that occupants of the residence for a minute," the report continues. She added "change nearly weekly, and the majority of ar- that "she was aware of his addiction to pills rests/encounters with persons at the location" and his drug habits," according to the report. are drug-related. Orser, who has been arrested 22 times, was charged with Child Abuse, Driving While LiDeputies stopped the vehicle after recognizing cense Suspended with Knowledge and two the driver from previous dealings and realiz- counts of Violation of Probation. Valdez was ing his license was not valid, the report says. charged with Child Abuse and Permitting an The driver, Kameron Orser, 23, of 5190 Island Unauthorized Person to Drive. Date St., Sarasota, told officers he went to the The child was released to an adult relative, home to buy drugs and he injected them while and deputies notified the Florida Department at the house. He admitted to knowing his li- of Children and Families, the report notes Kameron Orser/Contributed photo Barbara Valdez/Contributed photo

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