Sarasota News Leader
July 26, 2013
Page 90
Siesta Seen
due to the rural nature of the corridor," Har- set period of time for each facility is a logical
riott added, "that would be a point of future first step. … Based on County operations of
moveable bridges, [the Stickney Point Road
discussions and negotiations."
and Siesta Drive bridges] alone will likely add
In regard to the next steps, Harriott wrote, $750,000 to $1,000,000 per year in operating
"A present value analysis of future capital and maintenance costs (which does not inneeds and ongoing maintenance costs over a clude periodic overhauls)."
Siesta resident Peter van Roekens, who took this photo, suggested a headline for it: 'Bandit strikes
Siesta Beach.' It is not every day that a sailboat ends up on the shore. The sailor(s) on Bandit — the
name of the boat — must have not been very alert or very adept at setting an anchor.