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SIGN OF SUPPORT Paul Sutton, chairman of the Community Alliance Homeless Committee, addresses residents and local leaders on Wednesday in the County Commission Chambers on Ringling Boulevard. Photo by Roger Drouin A NEW COMMITTEE VOTES TO RECOMMEND THE HIRING OF HOMELESS CONSULTANT DR. ROBERT MARBUT, WITH CITY MANAGER TOM BARWIN SAYING THAT WOULD CLEAR THE WAY FOR 'ACTION MODE' By Roger Drouin County Editor Conversation at the July 31 meeting of the whether to hire Dr. Robert Marbut as a conCommunity Alliance of Sarasota County's new sultant to help local officials as they work on Homeless Committee ranged from how many all those issues. shelters are needed in the county to whether a temporary homeless facility should be allowed Marbut is an expert who has tackled homeon the border of Gillespie Park to the need for lessness for three decades. He visited Sarasota affordable housing and a working wage. The for two days earlier last month, going on tours breadth of the discussion showed the com- and participating in meetings — including a forum sponsored by plexity and challenges the Gulf Coast Comrevolving around Saramunity Foundation sota's growing homeI think we need him. and the Community less population. Foundation of SarasoTom Pfaff Chaplin The main item of busita County. During his Sarasota Ministerial Association ness, however, was brief stay, it was evi-