Sarasota News Leader

08/09/2013 & 08/16/2013

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RELIGION BRIEFS Deacon David Bumsted in Redeemer's St. Francis Garden. Contributed photo NEW DEACON IN CHARGE OF YOUTH MINISTRY AT REDEEMER The Church of the Redeemer in Sarasota has tion and social media to stay in touch with hired David Bumsted as deacon in charge our young people both in and out of regular of its ministry to youth, the church has an- church events." nounced. Bumsted graduated from Nashotah House Bumsted joined the Redeemer staff in early Theological Seminary on May 16 and was orJune. He will replace outgoing Youth Minister dained to the Diaconate on June 8, the release Chris Wood, who has been accepted as a pos- notes. This December, he will be ordained to tulant for Holy Orders and will enter Wiscon- the priesthood. sin's Nashotah House Theological Seminary A graduate of Florida State University with in mid-August, a news release says. a degree in international affairs, Bumst"Throughout the summer, Bumsted and Wood ed served as a case manager at Orlando's have been working closely together to achieve Covenant House from 2009 to 2012, the rea seamless transition in this key role for the lease notes. There he worked with homeless teens and other youth facing crises, the church's large youth ministry," the release release adds. adds. He is married to Rebekah, a human resources "We're delighted to have David join our minteam member with Neiman Marcus.
 istry for youth," said the Rev. Fredrick A. Robinson, rector, in the release. "David has The Church of the Redeemer is located at 222 a wonderful enthusiasm and a great deal of S. Palm Ave. in the heart of downtown Sarasoexperience in working with youth; as well, he ta. For more information, visit redeemersarapossesses the requisite skills in communica- or call 955-4263.

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