Sarasota News Leader

08/09/2013 & 08/16/2013

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Sarasota News Leader August 9 & 16, 2013 Page 113 Community Calendar T h e b est o f u pc o m i n g EV EN TS 09+ 09+ 09+ 09+ 11 11 Florida Studio Theatre presents The Underpants 16 Friday Fest at the Van Wezel, featuring Impulse AUGUST AUGUST AUGUST AUGUST AUGUST AUGUST AUGUST Through Aug. 11 (times vary), Keating Theatre, 1241 N. Palm Ave. Tickets: $18 to $42. Information: 366-9000 or FST Summer Improv Through Aug. 24, 8:30 p.m., John C. Court Cabaret, 1241 N. Palm Ave. Tickets: $12. Information: 366-9000 or Dabbert Gallery presents Summer Showcase Through Sept. 30, 76 S. Palm Ave., Sarasota. Admission: free. Information: 955-1315 or Banyan Theater presents Time Stands Still Aug. 9-25 (times vary), Jane B. Cook Theatre, FSU Center for the Performing Arts, 5555 N. Tamiami Trail. Tickets: $28.50. Information: 351-2808 or Naarai Jacobs in Concert Aug. 11, 7 p.m., Michael's On East, 1212 East Ave., Sarasota. Tickets: $35. Information: 366-1505. WSLR presents the fifth annual Very Merry Jerry Day, featuring Florida Mountain Boys, Ship of Fools, Kettle of Fish and Schmitz Bros. Band Aug. 11, 3:30 to 9 p.m., 525 Kumquat Court, Sarasota. Tickets: $10. Information: 894-6469 or Aug. 16, 5 p.m., Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall, 777 N. Tamiami Trail. Admission: Free. Information: 953-3368 or This Week In Sarasota recently was sold to The Observer Group. This sale ends our collaboration with TWIS.

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