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Sarasota News Leader August 9 & 16, 2013 Page 28 Once the request is submitted, she continued, stability and low erosion rates are linked, both it is "probably anybody's guess" how long it directly and indirectly, to the Big Sarasota will take to get the funds. Pass ebb shoal's capacity to shelter the key from high wave and storm forces, as well as to A memo to the County Commission in late the sand transport that occurs in conjunction April from Laird Wreford, the county's coastwith the shoal, the pass, and the key. If [proal resources manager, said the city is hoping posed] dredging … by the U.S. Army Corps the renourishment can take place in the 2017 of Engineers is carried out, this will modify fiscal year. the wave and storm protection [and] alter the sediment supply to the onshore beaches." SIESTA WORRIES In the meantime, boaters and Siesta residents remain worried about whether the Corps will end up dredging Big Pass for that Lido renourishment and what impact the groins might have on Siesta Key's shoreline. At the time, Aubrey was president of his own consulting firm and a senior scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Dolan was a professor in the Department of Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia. A 1994 scientific study undertaken by D.G. Au- Their report was written as the Corps pursued brey and Robert Dolan noted, "Siesta Key's plans to undertake a 2.1 million cubic yard re- The number one recommendation for all estuarine shoreline types is land planning (i.e. leave the land in its natural state). Physical Processes Work Group Recommendations for Appropriate Shoreline Stabilization Methods for the Different North Carolina Estuarine Shoreline Types August 2006 A groin juts into the Gulf of Mexico on Longboat Key. Photo by Norman Schimmel