Sarasota News Leader

08/09/2013 & 08/16/2013

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NOT GIVING UP A chickee serves as the bar at O'Leary's in Bayfront Park in downtown Sarasota. File photo WITH THE CITY OF SARASOTA PLANNING TO INSTALL TWO CHICKEES FOR BUS SHELTERS, A SARASOTA COUNTY COMMISSIONER SAYS HE WILL RAISE THE TOPIC AGAIN IN REFERENCE TO COUNTY BUS STOPS By Rachel Brown Hackney Editor Sarasota County Commissioner Joe Barbetta is not giving up on the idea of using chickees — thatch-covered shelters built by the Miccosukee and Seminole Indians — as bus shelters in Sarasota County. last week of this month, he told The Sarasota News Leader on Aug. 5. He called a staff memo completed in April — noting numerous reasons why chickees would not make good bus stop shelters — "pretty As the City of Sarasota proceeds with plans amazing," and not in a good way. to install such strucThe April 5 memo was tures at two bus stops prepared for the Counalong Old Bradenton Our goal is to make them work. ty Commission by GlaRoad, Barbetta will ma Carter, director of bring up the subject Bill Nichols Project Manager Sarasota County Area again when the County Old Bradenton Road Improvements Transit (SCAT), and Commission meets the

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