Sarasota News Leader

08/09/2013 & 08/16/2013

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BUSINESS BRIEFS Tracy Knight (left) and Ticia Mahler are partners in Knight Marketing. Contributed photo KNIGHT MARKETING MOVES TO SARASOTA Knight Marketing (, a Since its move, Knight Marketing has added strategic marketing firm originally based in two national clients. Venice, has moved its offices to 2032 HawOne of them, Cinemoves (, thorne Street in Sarasota. is the film and entertainment industry's leadAccording to the firm's president, Tracy ing camera movement company, the release Knight, the move was prompted by a need for notes. "With offices in Venice, FL, Atlanta and additional space and the fact that the majority of its team, including staff and many freelanc- Los Angeles, Cinemoves provides filmmakers with the equipment and expertise they need ers, lives in Sarasota. for award-winning camera shots, whether "Our growth in the past year demanded that from a crane, helicopter or moving vehicle," we find a larger space for our staff of 10," said the release notes. Knight Marketing is updatKnight in a press release. "And, we wanted to be closer to the talent pool in Sarasota, as ing the Cinemoves brand and working with we frequently partner with freelancers and the company on strategic planning. independent firms specializing in all facets of Sunspire Health LLC is a fast-growing behavdesign and marketing." ioral health company with six addiction reOne such partner, 360-Degrees Public Rela- covery centers in Florida (Tampa and Pomtions, will be sharing the space with Knight pano Beach), California and Massachusetts, Marketing. The firm is owned by Candice the release continues. "Knight Marketing is McElyea, who will operate from the location rebranding the parent company and providing along with her own staff. marketing services for the individual centers, Knight Marketing is owned by Tracy Knight including branding, collateral and digital development," it adds. and Ticia Mahler.

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