Sarasota News Leader

08/09/2013 & 08/16/2013

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CRIME BLOTTER Cash and drugs were recovered from a house in Nokomis on Aug. 7 during a Sheriff's Office search. Photo courtesy of the Sheriff's Office. (Inset top) Miguel Torres/Contributed photo. (Inset bottom) Heather Johnson/Contributed photo TWO ARRESTED IN DRUGS AND WEAPONS CASE The Sarasota County Sheriff's Office has arrested two people with long criminal histories on drug and weapons charges after the Special Investigations Section and SWAT units executed a narcotics search warrant on Aug. 7 at a Nokomis home, the office has announced. The detectives who arrived at 812 Padua Court just before 10 a.m. found nearly 14 grams of marijuana, a loaded .38 caliber handgun, a box of ammunition, 99 prescription pills and $1,954 in cash, a report says. Miguel Torres, 26, who lives in an efficiency apartment at the house, has more than 20 felo- ny arrests and 13 misdemeanors on his record, according to a news release. Heather Johnson, 27, of 2940 Sunset Beach Drive, Venice, has nine felony and seven misdemeanor arrests on her record, the release adds. Both are charged with Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon, Possession of Ammunition by a Convicted Felon, Possession of Cannabis, Possession of Alprazolam, Possession of Methadone, Trafficking in Hydromorphone and Trafficking in Oxycodone.

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