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Sarasota News Leader September 20, 2013 Pierro concurred again, saying that "some structure stabilization is required at the southern end [of Lido]" to maintain the 80-foot-wide renourished expanse of beach. Page 22 the fronts of buildings. However, he said, that effect could be lessened through the planting of grasses. "It's generally not a major factor," Pierro added of the windblown sand. Even with a 20-year storm event, Pierro said, CAC member Dean Mades asked for more dethe 80 feet of sand should remain if the groins tails about the modeling, especially in regard to the effects of wave height and direction are put in place. as well as the current in the Gulf of Mexico Pierro also pointed out that groins are "be- during a storm. "Have you looked at the rocoming a more preferred process" in renour- bustness of this design?" ishment projects. Another consultant working with the Corps When CAC Chairman Gary Comp asked explained that such factors had been taken whether the effect of wind might expose the into consideration. Some of the data incorpogroins on the beach over time, Pierro respond- rated in the study, the consultant said, was ed that sand "often piles up at the back of the generated between May and November 2004, beach," especially given wind conditions on when Florida experienced a very active hurLido. There, he noted, it often mounds against ricane season. Milan A. Mora, the project manager for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, addresses the committee members. Photo by Rachel Hackney