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Sarasota News Leader September 20, 2013 Page 100 Siesta Seen Road about people creating a disturbance at Beach Access 1 at the end of that road. She referenced an occasion when residents told SKA officers that people had turned up the stereo system in a vehicle and left it running so they could hear the music by the water. cles while they went shopping or ran errands, he explained. "Well, thank you," SKA Deet Jonker replied with a chuckle. "I learned something." A deputy responding to a complaint about music blaring from a running vehicle would have Osborne told the audience state law makes to find the owner or driver, Osborne added. it illegal to leave an unattended vehicle run- "We can't just write a ticket and leave it on ning. The non-moving violation results in a the car." $116 fine, he added. The law was intended to "I've never had any issues finding somebody," prevent people from leaving pets in their vehi- Osborne continued. If the owner could not be Sculptors Karen Fralich and Sue McGrew work on their eye-grabbing depiction of a cat-covered Viking. Photo by Norman Schimmel

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