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Sarasota News Leader October 25, 2013 Page 53 they want to camouflage the parking spaces 'HONCHO' UNHAPPY on the upper stories? How much parking did they want to include? And how could all this The city is required to provide 300 parking spaces as part of a complex land developbe put together? ment deal with Pineapple Square. Developer The city hired Realtor Ian Black to try to John Simon is feeling a bit betrayed. market a public-private partnership. He returned with a likely partner, but the deal fell "We came here in 2005 and went through twoapart after the selection was challenged on and-a-half years of approvals," said Simon. "We have gone through four or five different Sunshine laws grounds. city councils, and every one has come back On Monday, the commissioners received a and said they wanted changes." new option from the Urban Design Studio team. It was dubbed "Pad Lite," and by a 4-1 Simon's group owns a significant fraction of vote, they took it. But will it stick? Mayor downtown, including property on Main Street Shannon Snyder has called a special meet- and Lemon Avenue. "Every building we are ing for Friday, Oct. 25, to talk more about the occupying was empty and dilapidated," he pointed out to the commission. "We had the State Street garage. The State Street garage site is an open surface lot in use now in downtown Sarasota. Photo by Norman Schimmel