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Sarasota News Leader November 1, 2013 The Legislature also opened up a couple of other agenda items for citizen comment. One is the very seldom-used "Board Actions" segment, normally the second item on the city agenda after approval of the minutes. The other topic is "Board Appointments," referring to nominations of individuals for advisory boards or other positions influencing public policy. In the past, no public comment was allowed. Page 59 the radar as a budget amendment on the Nov. 4 consent agenda. It transfers $1,008 from the mooring field's equipment replacement fund to "establish an expense budget for additional consulting fees necessary for modifications to the Bayfront Mooring Field (additional buoys and slow speed zones)," according to a memo from the city's director of public works. Coastal Technology Corp. of Vero Beach would be the recipient of the $1,008 for "additional permitting services," says an Oct. 16 letter from the company. The money would pay for two $100 application fees for the boundary markers and cover the cost of preparing applications for speed zones in the entry area and "application processing for these two project applications." Thanks to the Legislature, citizens can comment about board appointments, although they will not be able to directly nominate an individual for an open position or to fill an expiring term. But the change will allow them to ask the commission to nominate someone, or they may comment on the qualifications of a person under consideration for an appointed That involves "follow-up with agency staff by post. phone to confirm receipt of the applications, answer any questions related to the appliTHE $800 PHONE CALL cations posed by agency staff and facilitate Sarasota's downtown mooring field continues expeditious review of the applications and to create surprises. The latest one flies under issuance of permits." The City Commission is scheduled to deal with a $1,008 item relative to its Bayfront Mooring Field when it goes through its Nov. 4 agenda. Photo by Norman Schimmel