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Sarasota News Leader November 1, 2013 Page 118 TEMPLE SINAI PRESCHOOL HOLDS TRIKE-A-THON The Gan Preschool at Temple Sinai recently were there to volunteer and cheer on their held its fifth annual Trike-A-Thon to benefit little ones," the release says. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, the It was a successful fundraising effort, raising Temple has announced. more than $1,400, but also a teaching opporAlmost 50 students participated in one way tunity for the students. Laura Freedman, or another in this event, "which is one of the director of early childhood education, two significant mitzvah (good deed) projects explained to the students that they were riddone each year at the Gan," a news release ing for children who could not ride and that explains. The youngest class members made the money they raised would help doctors up the cheering section, while the others were heal youngsters. on trikes. Some students even brought their The participating students ranged in age from bikes from home, the release notes. 18 months to pre-K level, but Freedman's With the atrium of the building decorated age-appropriate explanation to each group of like a speedway, the students rode a circular children "included the idea that they were pertrack that included the foyer of the sanctuary. forming a mitzvah, a major tenet of Judaism," "Moms, dads and even some grandparents the release points out. The Gan Tziporium (Birds) class cheered on the riders at Temple Sinai's The Gan Trike-a-Thon. Contributed photo

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