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DEMAND FOR MORE OVERSIGHT School Board members Caroline Zucker and Jane Goodwin review agenda material. File photo MEMBERS OF THE CITY'S NEIGHBORHOODS ORGANIZATION WANT AN INDEPENDENT GROUP TO KEEP TABS ON THE USE OF REVENUE FROM A SPECIAL 1 MILL SCHOOLS TAX By Stan Zimmerman City Editor The Sarasota County School Board on Tuesday, Nov. 5, decided to ask for a fourth bite at the surtax apple. In March 2002, 2006 and 2010, voters agreed to tax themselves an extra mill in property taxes to support the school system. ensued again this week about whether the referendum should be in November instead of March. Commissioners Joe Barbetta and Nora Patterson were most vocal in supporting the November time frame. The matter is expected to come up at the County They are expected to We need to create a financial Commission's next get to make the choice tracking system to understand how the meeting, on Nov. 19. again on March 25, money is invested to improve student 2014 — although the outcomes at all public schools. All voters countyCounty Commission wide are eligible to Kelly Kirschner has to approve the cast a ballot on the Former Mayor ballot language, and School Board's latest City of Sarasota some grumbling initiative.

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