Sarasota News Leader
November 22, 2013
Page 131
Gnoffo and Casey Peterson — as "elves" — The Ed Smith Stadium box office is located at
will narrate the show, the release says.
2700 12th St. in Sarasota. It is open Saturdays
Jeb K. Rand, son of Sarasota residents Dr. from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Monday through
Howard Rand and Nanci Rand, is the show's Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Parking the
producer. A former nationally ranked pairs night of the event will cost $5 in the East and
figure skater, he is president and executive North lots, with a portion of proceeds supproducer of Las Vegas-based Rand Enterprises porting the Sarasota YMCA.
& Productions Inc. and has been involved in
figure skating for more than 30 years, produc- For additional information on this event or
ing or directing dozens of ice shows around other upcoming Arts in the Ballpark activities, visit %
the world, the release adds.
The family-friendly Ice on the Diamond will include humor as well as ice dancing. Contributed photo