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Sarasota News Leader November 29, 2013 Page 28 event included "all the who's who of rowing" an entire 5,000-meter "head" race. "It was a in the United States. huge success," he added. He added, "They actually got up and celebrated Sarasota-Bradenton for winning the World Rowing Championships … We're on the map, and we're getting a lot of phone calls." VENUE NOTES Asked to explain what a "head" race is, Blackketter said it is a timed event, like a 5K race. Once vessels pass the starting line, the clock begins ticking, he pointed out. Head races are held in the fall, he said, while 2,000meter sprints are scheduled in the spring. Last year, Benderson Park hosted 10 row- "We only take on events that we can handle ing events, Blackketter said. This year, it has and do right and we can afford," he noted. scheduled 21. Blackketter further explained that the wave In 2012, 13 college rowing teams trained at attenuator system installed at the park is the the park, Blackketter noted. "We expect that world's largest. "It works exceptionally well." to grow up to 20 to 30 percent every year." In fact, South Korea's system was three times People from all over the world are contact- more expensive, he noted, "and not as good ing him about training options at the park in as ours." advance of the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio Additionally, Blackketter said efforts conde Janeiro, he added. tinue to promote the park as a "green" facility, As for construction: Blackketter pointed out that all the dredging has been completed to make the racing lanes the 3.5-meter depth required by FISA, Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Aviron — the International Federation of Rowing Associations. with emphasis on people being able to walk, bike and even rollerblade to it. "We want to promote the bicycle" as the main means of transportation to the venue, he added, though accommodations will still be made for motor vehicles. Finally, Blackketter told the TDC members that Benderson Development — for which he formerly was executive director of planning — has donated a triple-wide construction trailer for use as an event headquarters and SANCA office on Regatta Island. Although he is one of two SANCA employees now, he added, once the County Commission has On Nov. 16, the island had more than 1,500 signed off on the business plan and the new people in stands to watch the inaugural fundraising foundation has been established, Sarasota-Bradenton Head Regatta, he told the more people will be hired. TDC members. Benderson Park is the only rowing venue in the nation, he continued, Associate Editor Cooper Levey-Baker conthat makes it possible for visitors to follow tributed to this report. % The material removed from the lake during that process was used to construct the 32-acre Regatta Island, he noted, which is in its second year of hosting events. "The island is perfect in size and function and how it operates," Blackketter said. "And we're getting great reviews."

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