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Sarasota News Leader November 29, 2013 Page 45 obligations for the organization are mainte- DID RANKS ITS DREAMS nance expenses, salaries and covering the For people who have had a role in strategic cost of city staff time. or budgetary planning, this was a familiar Although lack of sufficient remaining funding exercise. In round-robin fashion, participants prevents another similar streetscape project suggested projects or other uses for the within the defined downtown core, board money. At the end, they were issued small members and the public still had strong ideas "dots" to place by their favored suggestions. Nov. 26 about what to do with the group's unencumbered funds for this year. The big winner was expanding the DID's funding base. Two options were presented: The workshop was guided by Roger Barry, professor emeritus in urban planning at the broaden the geographical base of the organiUniversity of Cincinnati. He helped estab- zation or request money from the Downtown lish the DID's strategic plan soon after it was Sarasota Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). formed five years ago. Main Street improvements were under way in front of the Gator Club and Parkers Books in July. Photo by Norman Schimmel