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Sarasota News Leader December 13, 2013 Page 27 "All the paperwork that was in front of us was a good neighbor. Many restaurant and bar notarized," Polk replied. owners, she pointed out, work to make certain they turn down the bass on their sound "If that's the case," Robinson responded, "I systems after 10 p.m., when the county noise can only hope we're turning that over to the ordinance dictates lower decibel levels from appropriate authorities," because people who businesses, and determine the best locations notarize documents are doing so "under penfor their speakers so as not to disturb nearby alty of perjury." residents. "We've worked through some of those [issues] "We can't expect people to live, night after and we'll continue to try to improve the pronight, with something they can sing along cess," Polk said, adding, "There are different with," Patterson said of continuing complaints entities in this instance, and we just never from residents about live entertainment at took the time to bring it all together. Bob's Boathouse. Barbetta pointed out to Polk that he met "We've been working very diligently with the the attorney for Bob's Boathouse when the [restaurant] management staff," Polk replied. commissioners took a break earlier during "We've had staff on site meeting with them on the meeting. He suggested Polk talk with the a regular basis." attorney, who remained in the audience. "Let's cut to the chase and get this thing resolved." A d d i t i o n a l l y, h e s a i d , c o u n t y C o d e Enforcement staff has been monitoring Bob's When Patterson asked about whether the Boathouse "on a very regular basis." business owes the county impact fees, Polk said the staff member who handles that matter The only violation reported so far, Polk noted, had confirmed no impact fees were required has been service of food outdoors after 10 because another business previously occu- p.m. pied the property. After Robinson made her motion for the An Oldsmobile dealership used to be on that thorough review of the county's practices for site, Barbetta pointed out. "This is a totally issuing TCOs, Chairwoman Carolyn Mason different use. The building's been changed." seconded it. "I would like to make sure that there's absolute clarity in whatever you bring "We will recheck it," Polk responded. back to us, that the people applying [for TCOs] are clear and we're clear … on the process," CODE VIOLATIONS REDUX Mason told Polk. Patterson told Polk she remained concerned not only about whether Bob's Boathouse "We will start with the application, which would comply with the county's noise ordi- one can read in a lot of different ways," Polk nance but also about whether it could become replied. %

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