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Sarasota News Leader January 10, 2014 Page 30 "I will tell you education can make a differ- In the district's Title I schools that do not qualence," White added, "and it's doing it every ify for federal funds for assistant principals, day." the referendum dollars make it possible for the district to pay for those extra positions, Among other aspects of the public educashe continued. tional system the extra funds make possible, White said, are the additional 30 minutes of In response to a question from an audiinstruction in each ence member, DeLeo school day, which explained that the We were a Top Three district before owner of a house valequals 14 more days a year. "There's a huge the tax. We are a Top Three district ued at $300,000 pays amount of research after the tax. a bill of $300 per year [showing] that instrucbecause of passage of Rod Thomson tional time used well the special tax. President The Thomson Group does produce better When moderator Jon results," she noted. Thaxton, director of The tax money also pays for a technical sup- community investment for the Gulf Coast port person at every school to assist teachers Community Foundation and a former county commissioner, asked Thomson what he when problems arise with digital textbooks would cut in the district's budget if the March and the "white boards" used to display infor- referendum failed, Thomson replied, "Oh, mation, including material on websites. heavens, I can't [figure out] a school budget." The School Board meets at the district's offices at The Landings in Sarasota. File photo